Vocal Coaching
Every session begins with practicing vocal scales and learning warm-up exercises. This will help to protect, wake-up, and strengthen your vocal cords. Unfortunately, I have found that this is something that most singers omit from their routine. Sure it takes a little time and is boring, but singing dry with no warm-up will lead to damaged and strained vocal cords. We will then spend time on breath control learning to breath correctly (odds are you have been doing it wrong), ear and pitch training, shoulders, mouth and neck positioning, performance and presentation conveying the emotion of a song, and vocal styling. Many singers I have worked with are trying to style their voice to match a specific genre of music or artist. Nine times out of ten a vocalist needs to learn to sing straight and simply first, as "styled" singing is usually hiding flaws in basic technique. I am extremely passionate about making you a better singer than when you arrived. I can work with all types of skill levels, from just learning to more advanced/ experienced singers.
Dave Dinsmore - Producer, Songwriter, Vocalist, Vocal Coach, Multi- Instrumentalist
First Half Hour Lesson Free!
Special discounted rates apply if you "bank" more than 5 sessions of either time frame.