Dave Dinsmore - Producer, Songwriter, Vocalist, Vocal Coach, Multi- Instrumentalist

Dave Dinsmore - Producer, Songwriter, Vocalist, Vocal Coach, Multi- Instrumentalist

But if I may, let me take a moment to explain my experience with co-writing. In my early twenties I was a one-man wrecking ball, wanting to play every instrument, write every song, sing every harmony, and control every aspect of my music. What age and experience has shown me is that writing with another artist will net you a better song 99.9% of the time. Being able to come up with an idea and have someone to collaborate with is invaluable. Everyone needs someone to tell them when their idea or song needs improvement, or when they should try something else at a certain point in the song. What I found was that I was usually too close to my songs, and that having another objective opinion always created something better than I could have on my own. I learned to let the music grow organically and let a song develop where it wants to go, even if it isn't where I initially intended it to go. 

Now we are talking about one of my favorite things in the whole world! I have been a songwriter and lyricist since 1995, and to date I have a catalog of over 150 songs waiting for a rainy day. But if you ask most songwriters I think they would all say that they are just one song away from the best one ever. I always feel like I can top myself and love to write different styles of music. I have also had the good fortune of doing this for a living at the highest level, and consistently received amazing feedback and repeat clients. Song writing is a very personal and intimate experience and we will truly get to know each other as we create and progress.

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